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Bellingham, WA

Bamboo Sign Ups

Get Bambooed!

Bamboo the Panda is our school mascot, and a favorite Parkview tradition is being “Bambooed” before the start of the school year. Bamboo (as a lawn sign) would love to visit our new and returning students ahead of the School Year! Please fill out the form below to request a visit. We will do our best to accommodate everyone, but priority will be given to new students and students who have not been Bambooed before. Please signup by July 31st.

The PTO will reach out via email in early August with additional details. Bamboo visits will start in the last half of August. Each Bamboo sign will include a list of street addresses attached to the back showing the chain of delivery. You will be responsible for delivering Bamboo to the next address in the chain within a certain time frame (as soon as possible, but at most 1-2 days from receipt).

Not sure what neighborhood you are in? Look it up on the City of Bellingham Neighborhood Map.
